Month: November 2017

Stop Volunteering!

There isn’t a pastor or church leader out there that has read this title and hasn’t thought to themselves, “how can we stop people at our church from reading this post?” Short of crashing the internet or stealing your fellow Christ follower’s internet enabled devices you can’t guarantee that people won’t come across this post. If you are willing to continue reading you may even find yourself encouraging them to do so. (more…)

One Word Can Make a Big Difference

I never want to be called a hairsplitter. It would hurt me deeply if I found out that people avoided me because they were worried I would correct them over the simplest misuse of a word or phrase. Most of us have met someone that strives to better themselves by inundating others with useless facts and petty corrections. That’s not me, at least I hope it isn’t. I guess you can be the judge by reading this post. (more…)