Month: June 2018

Going Nowhere

A church that is going nowhere is one of the most painful things to watch. Forward motion had stopped a long time ago but no one noticed. There is always enough blame to go around. By this I don’t mean everyone has a part in the problem but instead everyone is blaming someone with the hope they themselves won’t get blamed. As numbers dwindle, the push to look outside for new attendees starts; but what type of church will they end up attending? (more…)

Duty or Desire?

There is nothing more beautiful than young love. There is nothing more awkward than middle age love. There is nothing cuter than old age love. I have been two of the three and I have witnessed the third. This does not make me an expert in the field but it does allow me to write about my observations and conclusions.  Now you have been warned about the anecdotal rather than scientific nature of this post so read on at your own risk! (more…)