
Leadership Lesson at 30,000 Feet

We were getting ready to take off from Monterrey International Airport in Mexico. We had just spent a wonderful week at Possibilities House For Children. After walking down the narrow aisle, contorting to put my luggage in the overhead compartment, doing a twist and a side move, I ended up sitting next to a fellow Canadian. After […]

via Leadership Lesson at 30,000 — PeterWalters64 – Mostly Ministry

Are You Prepared?


 Many years ago I worked for a company that was very safety conscious. Whether they cared more for the health of their employees or avoiding lawsuits is debatable, but safety was taken very seriously nonetheless. Yet I was always puzzled when they would announce when a safety inspection was to occur. This provided us lots of time to sit back, relax and make everything ship shape just before the inspection and pass it easily.

When asked by his disciples when he will return, Jesus says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36)

How can we sit back and relax when we don’t know when the Saviour is to return? If he were to return today, would we pass inspection?

In Matthew 25 1:-13, our Lord gives us the parable of the 10…

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