Month: March 2018

Price Paid

I find it a struggle to remember that Good Friday isn’t just about those who follow Christ and that Easter Sunday isn’t just about those whose faith will lead to eternal life. I know that Jesus’ death, the payment at the cross, was enough for every sinner who has lived, is living and has yet to be born but Easter still seems to be more about me and maybe that isn’t a bad thing. (more…)

Godly Obedience – Satan’s Tool

Satan is devious. The Bible uses terms such as Father of Lies  and the one who masquerades as an angel of light. Satan’s most effective tool is to cast doubt on our understanding of what God has called us to do. He lives in the lies of instant gratification and worldly prosperity. He prods us with what ifs and if onlys so that what appeared to be Godly obedience now seems to be sinful wondering. The benefits of following God’s direction is overshadowed by the outcome and the doubt placed in our minds by the Evil One. (more…)

Positive Procrastination Promotes Profound Possibilities

Alliteration aside, this post title should catch your attention. How can procrastination be positive? How can it promote profound possibilities? Isn’t procrastination the disease of the weak willed and chronically unmotivated? We all do it but to suggest adopting it as a way of life, isn’t that unchristian? (more…)

That’s Going to Leave a Mark

Everyone has them; memories etched in our epidermis. They are marks in our life influenced by things out of our control as well as marks in our life caused by us not exercising more control. Some are the results of great adventures, others poorly thought out stunts. Some, the lasting marks of childhood diseases and pubescent outbreaks, others, the result of medical interventions. Scars mark our body like a brush marks a canvas, they capture a moment in time so that we remember. (more…)